Monday, April 29, 2013

Brown Sugar Shortbread Cookies

I really did not want to go shopping today so I decided to search for a recipe that would use the ingredients I already had. I searched for a recipe that would use flour and brown sugar and found a recipe for Shortbread cookies. I had to barrow the butter and regular sugar from my neighbor, Raven Canty at Meals $25 or Less.

½ cup butter
1 tablespoon regular sugar
3 tablespoons brown sugar
½ teaspoon cinnamon
1 ¼ cup flour

Pre- heat oven to 350 degrees.

In a bowl mix regular and brown sugar with cinnamon and flour.

Cut the butter into pieces and add to the dry ingredients. Then mix together. It is easier to mix with your hands I didn't even attempt to use a spoon. Also if you don’t use enough butter it is easy to tell because the dough will not stick together.

Pinch of pieces of dough and roll into balls. Each ball should be about an inch in width. Then flatten using a fork or spatula.   

Place on a pan and bake for about 20 minutes.

Then let cool and enjoy.

These cookies are not very rich and are a nice break from the rich desserts I normally make.