Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Icing in a bag

Icing is essential to most treats. The icing recipe I use the most is my moms. It’s a basic icing that can be adapted to fit most recipes. You can add coco to make it chocolate or switch the vanilla extract with another to get a different taste. 

This is my favorite icing recipe. She modified Wiltons buttercream recipe years ago. The key to my moms recipe is that you don’t use any Crisco or fake butter flavoring. It’s just butter and sugar. This icing is the main reason I like homemade cakes better than store bought cakes. I will eat the icing found in the baking aisle, but I prefer Mom’s. 

2 sticks butter
1 pound powdered sugar
2 tablespoons milk
1 teaspoon vanilla

Mix together butter, sugar, milk, and vanilla in a large bowl. Mix at medium speed using a mixer if you don’t have one use a wooden spoon.  When all powder is blended in it is done. If it is too runny or lumpy add more powdered sugar. If it is too dry add more milk. The elevation and humidity levels will affect the consistency of the icing. So be prepared to add more ingredients, if needed. 

round and round

To ice a sweet, I place the icing in a zip lock bag and cut a small part of the corner off.  When working with cupcakes start in the middle and go in a circle until it’s covered.  With a cake start on one end and work your way to the other making vertical or horizontal lines.

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